
Screenwriters Daily Dose


screenwriting contests

Just When You Might Give Up

The Stage 32 Third Annual TV Drama Contest isn't over yet, but they just announced their Finalists -- that's the Top 10 of all entered scripts, which were in the thousands. And my pilot, a true-story drama titled "The Last... Continue Reading →

Contests in 2023

Hmmm... I was thinking of titling this Contests & Other Ways to Waste Your Money, but that seemed rather negative. And not totally fair. I'm a believer in contests, for the right reasons -- which are different for different screenwriters.... Continue Reading →

Filmmakers Beware!

As screenwriters, we also tend to wear multiple hats to get our scripts filmed---which is why I wanted to share the article below. It spells out why all film festivals are not created equal. (Just like all screenplay competitions!) Nine... Continue Reading →

Screenwriting Contest Debate

Lately, a lot of posts have been popping up in my social media accounts about how the feedback from Screenwriting Contests drastically varies for the same script. Contest #1 can rate a script high and point out great characters, while... Continue Reading →

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