Below are tools we recommend for writers to make the most of your writing time for the greatest productivity! They do contain affiliate marketing links, so you are also supporting our website when you checkout these products, but no purchase is necessary. The links are also a great way to get ideas about what kind of tools can help your writing. We hope you collect everything you need to unleash the writer within your soul!

Manage Your Time

We love any tool that keeps us in our chair and at our computer for at writing sprints. And this clock does the trick. We love the color, too! AIMILAR 2-in-1 Silent Countdown Timer Clock can give you that writing time. We like 25 minute sprints, but if you’re into the writing zone this will give you up to an hour.

Planning to Write

Writing needs to be scheduled or it can be bumped for things that seem more important. If you treat your writing time like a doctor’s appointment, you’ll keep it. So, book a date with your writing. Of course, there are many ways to do this, but an old school planner makes it feel more official. We love the Smart Pro Planner. And it comes with stickers!

White Boards Rock!

When it comes to brainstorming with yourself, a white board can really help. If you can get a huge one and go nuts, but a smaller board can also do the trick, especially these lap boards we found. You can get them in a pack of 6 or 12 and they come with dry erase markers and erasers. We love the 6 pack, because you can plot out a sequence of scenes in an easy, visual way like you would with index cards. BUT you have the benefit of a white board for quick, easy changes. The Nicpro Dry Erase Lapboard is a great tool and we’re pretty addicted to using them.