
Screenwriters Daily Dose



Just When You Might Give Up

The Stage 32 Third Annual TV Drama Contest isn't over yet, but they just announced their Finalists -- that's the Top 10 of all entered scripts, which were in the thousands. And my pilot, a true-story drama titled "The Last... Continue Reading →

2nd Look @ Contests

Part of our 5-Contest review, it's time to take a look at the Los Angeles International Screenplay Awards. They usually offer four contests a year, which seems like they are in the business of contests, but they do boast that... Continue Reading →

Contests in 2023

Hmmm... I was thinking of titling this Contests & Other Ways to Waste Your Money, but that seemed rather negative. And not totally fair. I'm a believer in contests, for the right reasons -- which are different for different screenwriters.... Continue Reading →

Filmmakers Beware!

As screenwriters, we also tend to wear multiple hats to get our scripts filmed---which is why I wanted to share the article below. It spells out why all film festivals are not created equal. (Just like all screenplay competitions!) Nine... Continue Reading →

Screenwriting Contest Debate

Lately, a lot of posts have been popping up in my social media accounts about how the feedback from Screenwriting Contests drastically varies for the same script. Contest #1 can rate a script high and point out great characters, while... Continue Reading →

End of the Year Contests

Daily Dose: Contests The deadlines for the biggest screenplay contests of the year have passed, but you still have some options! Checkout this great database of writing contests. You can filter it just for screenwriting, which is a plus, but... Continue Reading →

Winning Nicholl

Daily Dose: Screenwriter Interview It's our holy grail--winning a Nicholl Fellowship. If you've ever had a nagging suspicion that it might not be all it's cracked up to be... here's a case in point to prove Nicholl's status on top.... Continue Reading →

Finding Festivals w/Script Contests

Daily Dose: Contests/Networking Great link today for anyone looking for film festivals that also offer screenwriting contests.  Film festivals are a great way to network. If you can find one with a screenplay contest, it gives you something to talk... Continue Reading →

On Your Mark, Get Set, Contest!

Daily Dose: Screenwriting Contests Every screenwriting contest is a balancing act between costs & benefits. It's not too early to start the process by looking at the biggest contests. While this list is for 2016, all these contests will be... Continue Reading →

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