
Screenwriters Daily Dose



Just When You Might Give Up

The Stage 32 Third Annual TV Drama Contest isn't over yet, but they just announced their Finalists -- that's the Top 10 of all entered scripts, which were in the thousands. And my pilot, a true-story drama titled "The Last... Continue Reading →

From Script to Novel

Lots of screenwriters are considering this step as another way to promote their skills. (And make some money.) If you've ever wanted a little push, checkout these 3 reasons from the Stage32 Blog. Screenwriters: Here are 3 Reasons Why You... Continue Reading →

Pitching Plus

Daily Dose: Networking While this company offers many things to help screenwriters, liking video classes and online pitching, it creates an online film community like no one else. Second Up for a look at virtual pitch companies: Stage 32/Happy Writers. Yes, Stage... Continue Reading →

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